Abou Jazz & Classical és un blog pensat per a tots aquells músics o amants d'aquests gèneres musicals i dels corresponents subgèneres.

Mentre aquest blog estigui actiu, aniré penjant vídeos, comentaris, biografies i, sempre que em sigui possible, partitures per tal de que tots poguem disfrutar i complementar aquests dos gèneres diferents entre si però genials tots dos.

Aquí sota deixo una llista de reproducció de 50 de les cançons més significatives tant de jazz com de música clàssica.

Top 50

dilluns, 6 d’agost del 2012

Miles Davis Transcribed Solos - Oleo (1956)

Un altre clàssic de Miles Davis i una grandíssima versió. Espero que ho disfruteu. Com sempre, penjo el comentari original del llibre, la transcripció i el vídeo.

OCTOBER 26, 1956
FORM: AABA - rhythm changes in Bb

On this Ylll'sion of "Oleo" Miles plays two solos in harmon mute. Except for the B sec-tions and the first four measures of the last A sections, Miles and Paul Chambers play alone. Miles' rhythmic and time conceptions are beautifully revealed in these solos. The solos are a model of rhythmic strength and grace and demonstrate a very effective use of space. A good example of Miles' use of chromaticism occurs at the beginning of the seacond chorus. The intensity of this phrase is awsome because of his eighth-note interpre-tation and use of accents and the context of what happened before and after this phrase. The last eight measures of this first solo are a gradual release of tension leading into John Coltrane's solo. The second solo demonstrates a more extended use of repetition. A different use of chromaticism is shown in the three bars before the last B section. In the last three bars of this solo he uses a rhythmic f'tgure which he was to use again 2 1/2 years later on the B section of Milestones.

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